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A selection of our best Sports Items from our factory directly to you.
Our online shop allows you to purchase all the items and sports facilities produced in Italy by Gana Sport.
We are developing our portfolio on the International Market with many competitive goods, such as mattresses, sport locker room furniture, Swedish wall bars, football goals, sport systems and many other facilities with attention to the quality and price.
We are also resellers of sports products from leading national and international brands such as Zeus, Toorx, Garlando, Bodytone and many others. Purchasing your sporting goods on Gana Sport is easy, fast and safe.
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Customize your sporting goods with Gana Sport
All our goods, including trophies and medals can be personalized by us: a way to make them unique and special.
Spalliere svedesi prodotte in Italia
Gana Sport produce spalliere svedesi in faggio naturale massello, lavorate interamente in Italia: leggere, sicure e facili da montare a casa o in palestra.
Customized Sport Mattress
Gana Sport produces sports mattresses and fall areas with an high no-slip capacity, perfectly adaptable to any type of space at home or in the gym.
Nuovo e-commerce di articoli sportivi
L’e-shop di Gana Sport è il punto di riferimento ideale per professionisti e amatori che vogliono acquistare abbigliamento, accessori e attrezzature sportivi.